July 10, 2023
03:10:51 PM

AveriSource Scan has assessed your codebase as medium risk for modernization

Continue reading to understand why your code is classified as medium risk and discover how the AveriSource Platform can help.

Lines of Code

AveriSource Scan is a free codebase assessment that serves as the initial step in your application modernization journey.

Use this report to understand the characteristics of source code and assess risk. The AveriSource Platform accelerates application assessment and analysis time and helps to plan the best modernization strategy for your organization.

For a full, in-depth assessment and more, contact us at

AveriSource Scan Results

The results from AveriSource Scan offer a valuable perspective into the attributes of source code within a given environment. With this information, organizations can begin to plan the best modernization approach.

Overall Modernization

Medium Risk

Based on the risk factors below, AveriSource Scan assigns a risk of Medium to the analyzed source code. This codebase may be moderately complex to modernize. May need to address some issues in the code before modernizing. There is some flexibility in choosing the modernization approach.

Manual Effort

1,158 hours are estimated to manually analyze your codebase. The AveriSource Platform can shorten that time and help your organization plan the best modernization strategy.

Your Primary Risk Factors
High Risk
Many Branches
Logic & Flow
Medium Risk
Lines of Code
Medium Risk
Less Common
Medium Risk
Medium Risk
Missing Files
See below for the complete assessment
File Type Files Missing Files Unreferenced Files Lines of Code
Risk Scan
AS400objects 54
29 5,285
ASM 2 1 2 166
1 1,256
CL 4 1 4 284
COBOL 51 69 44 22,275
EZTrieve 10
10 925
JCL 9 23
MODEL204 6
6 1,685
9 1,188
4 1,088
RPG 27 79 16 11,983
4 788
12 182 173 129 47,670
Risk Factor Breakdown
Business Logic and Program Flow
High Risk

The codebase contains a significant number of decision points and branches in the code. These branches represent various internal and external dependencies. The more decision points and branches, the more complicated it becomes to analyze and document the codebase.

Codebase Size
Medium Risk

The size of the codebase is considered large at 47,670 lines of code. Large codebases are typically complex and take longer to modernize.

Programming Language Modernization
Medium Risk

The codebase consists partly of less common legacy languages . Analyzing these codebases requires additional skillsets that may need to be learned or hired.

Persistence Technology
Medium Risk

The codebase uses mostly flat or indexed file data persistence. It could take considerable time and effort to discover which files contain which fields to build an understanding of the data.

Missing File References
Medium Risk

There are 173 references to missing files in the codebase. It will be difficult to analyze the function of the application in its entirety if not all the pieces are present.

Unreferenced Files
Medium Risk

The codebase includes 129 unreferenced files. It is likely that some time could be wasted analyzing functionality that is unused in the applications.

Internal Documentation
Medium Risk

The analyzed code contains 14% comments. This is a slight concern for documentation and audits. Insufficient comments make it difficult for a developer to understand what function the code is performing.

User Interface
Medium Risk

The user may interact with the system primarily through the terminal. These types of user interface are relatively simple but add an additional layer of complexity.

Medium Risk

The codebase produces reports using native reporting functionality. This functionality can require additional analysis across programs increasing the time to fully analyze.

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AveriSource Scan Process

The AveriSource Platform supports a broad range of technologies. AveriSource Scan assesses your provided codebase, deeply analyzing COBOL, RPG, JCL, and Assembler languages. Other languages are detected using file extensions, but are not assessed for risk. If you want to assess other languages, we recommend utilizing AveriSource Inventory.

AveriSource Scan may be run for 14 days from first usage. Generated reports can be used indefinitely. 

Languages Supported by AveriSource Platform
  • Assembler
  • DDS
  • EasyTrieve
  • Job Control (JCL, CL, ECL)
  • Model-204
  • Natural
  • ObjectStar
  • PL/I
  • RPG
  • SAS

Databases Supported by AveriSource Platform
  • Db2
  • IDMS
  • IMS
  • Sequential
  • VSAM

For a full, in-depth assessment and more, contact us at